Business pivots are critical for adapting to changing markets, but they come with inherent risks.
Making an informed pivot decision requires a systematic analysis that considers various market scenarios, resource implications, and potential risks.
In this tutorial, you will use Claude to explore and evaluate potential pivots for your business, ensuring that the chosen strategy is well-aligned with your long-term goals.
Key objectives:
- Gain a clear understanding of your current business model.
- Generate and evaluate potential pivot options.
- Assess the impact of different market scenarios on these options.
- Analyze the resource requirements and organizational implications of the chosen pivot.
- Develop a comprehensive risk mitigation strategy to ensure successful implementation.
Analyze your current business model
Open up Claude and let's begin by clearly outlining your existing business model.
First we need to establish a comprehensive understanding of your existing business model to provide a foundation for the pivot analysis.
You’ll start by using Claude to analyze your current business model. You will need to provide details like your industry, target market, value proposition, revenue streams, key resources, and major challenges. Claude will then generate potential pivot options based on this information.
Analyze this business model and suggest pivot options:
- Industry: [e.g., SaaS, e-commerce]
- Target market: [e.g., B2B, B2C]
- Value proposition: [e.g., cost leadership]
- Revenue streams: [e.g., subscription]
- Key resources: [e.g., proprietary tech]
- Major challenges: [e.g., market saturation]
Suggest three potential pivot options with brief rationales.

Tip: Be honest about your major challenges. The more specific and candid you are, the more accurate and valuable Claude's pivot suggestions will be.
Generate market scenarios
Evaluate how each pivot option might perform under different market conditions to uncover potential risks and opportunities.
You’ll work with Claude to create three distinct market scenarios, considering economic conditions, industry trends, the competitive landscape, and consumer behavior. These scenarios will help in assessing the viability of each pivot option under varying circumstances.
Generate three market scenarios based on:
- Economic conditions: [e.g., post-pandemic recovery]
- Industry trends: [e.g., shift to remote work]
- Competitive landscape: [e.g., new disruptive tech]
- Consumer behavior: [e.g., demand for personalization]
For each scenario, describe:
- Market conditions
- Impacts on current business
- Performance of the previously suggested pivot options.

Conduct a SWOT analysis for each pivot option
Systematically evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with each pivot option to determine their viability.
Using the pivot options previously generated, you will conduct a SWOT analysis with Claude’s assistance. This structured approach will provide deeper insights into the potential success of each pivot.
Conduct a SWOT analysis for each of the previously suggested pivot options, focusing on:
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats

Assess resource requirements and organizational impact
Understand the practical resource requirements and assess the potential organizational impact of implementing the chosen pivot.
Identify the key resources needed for the most promising pivot option. Evaluate how this pivot will affect various aspects of your organization, and develop a realistic implementation timeline.
For the most promising pivot option identified, outline the key resources required, including:
1 - Financial resources
2 - Human resources
3 - Technological resources
4 - Partnerships
Analyze the impact of this pivot on:
1 - Organizational structure
2 - Company culture
3 - Product/service offerings
4 - Customer relations
Suggest a feasible implementation timeline and identify any potential challenges, proposing solutions for each.

Develop a risk mitigation strategy
Prepare for potential challenges by identifying key risks and developing strategies to mitigate them, ensuring the pivot's success.
You’ll work with Claude to identify the top risks associated with the chosen pivot, assess their impact and likelihood, and create detailed mitigation strategies. You’ll also establish contingency plans and KPIs to monitor progress.
For the chosen pivot option, list the top 5 risks and for each:
1 - Assess the impact (high/medium/low)
2 - Assess the probability (high/medium/low)
3 - Develop a mitigation strategy
4 - Create contingency plans for potential setbacks and suggest key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor during the pivot implementation.