Create a SWOT analysis in minutes with ChatGPT and get tailored recommendations.

Creating a SWOT analysis is a common step in strategic planning.

But what's a SWOT analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to identify a business's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It helps businesses understand internal and external factors, enabling them to develop strategies for growth and risk management.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of using ChatGPT to create a comprehensive SWOT analysis for your business. By the end of it, you'll be able to leverage the AI chatbot to identify internal and external factors affecting your business and develop actionable strategies based on these insights.

Key Objectives:

  1. Educate ChatGPT about your business to provide context.
  2. Conduct a detailed SWOT analysis using ChatGPT.
  3. Compile and refine the SWOT analysis into a comprehensive overview.
  4. Generate and visualize SWOT data for better understanding.
  5. Develop and implement actionable strategies based on the SWOT analysis.

Educating ChatGPT about your business

In this first step, we'll provide ChatGPT with detailed information about your business. This includes your mission, vision, products or services, target market, and key competitors. This foundational information will allow ChatGPT to accurately assess your business's internal and external environment.


I run a [your business type] in the [your industry] sector. Our main products/services include [brief description]. Our target audience is [target market description]. Our unique selling points are [list unique selling points]. Keep this information in mind. Say "yes" if you understand.
Good robot...

Conducting the SWOT analysis

With a solid understanding of your business, ChatGPT can now help identify your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis will provide a clear picture of where your business stands and what external factors could impact its success.

To identify strengths and weaknesses, use this prompt:

Considering the information provided about my business, please identify 3-5 potential strengths and 3-5 potential weaknesses.

To identify opportunities and threats, use this prompt:

Given the information provided earlier, what are 3-5 potential opportunities and 3-5 potential threats we might face in the current market environment?

Now that we have identified the basic elements of your SWOT analysis, it's time to compile them into a comprehensive overview. This will help in understanding the significance of each factor and how they interplay with each other.


Based on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats we've identified, please compile a detailed SWOT analysis for my business. For each category, provide a brief explanation of why each factor is important.

Tip: Review the compiled SWOT analysis carefully and ask ChatGPT to add or elaborate on specific points if needed.

Generating and visualizing SWOT data

To make your SWOT analysis more actionable and easier to interpret, we will create a quantitative representation of the analysis and visualize it using different graphical formats. This step will help you better understand the relationships between various SWOT elements and their relative importance.

To create a CSV representation, use this prompt:

Assign a numerical value (1-10) to each factor based on its potential impact on the business.

To create visualizations, use this prompt:

Create three visualizations:
1. A SWOT matrix displaying our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a 2x2 grid.
2. A pie chart illustrating the relative impact scores of each SWOT category.
3. A radar graph showing the impact scores of individual factors across all four SWOT categories.

Developing and implementing actionable strategies

With a comprehensive and visual SWOT analysis in hand, we can now develop actionable strategies.


Based on our SWOT analysis and the identified relationships between elements, please develop a strategic action plan. Include the following:
1. Propose 3-4 key strategies, each with a concise name and brief description.
2. For each strategy, provide:
a. A brief rationale explaining its importance,
b. 2-3 concrete steps for implementation,
c. Possible challenges or resource requirements.
3. Prioritize the strategies and explain your reasoning.
4. Suggest 1-2 key performance indicators (KPIs) for each strategy to measure success.
5. Conclude with a brief statement on how these strategies align with the company's long-term goals.

You now have a detailed report that took you 10 minutes to do and would have cost you thousands of dollars to do if you'd gone through a consulting firm.

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