Learn to automate Facebook replies with a powerful AI automation.

How many times have you wished to automate comment replies on your social media posts? No one has the time to communicate with potential buyers, especially on social media, because of the distraction it causes. However, the downside of delaying replies to comments can negatively affect your business’s online rapport. It also causes a loss of business because, most of the time, interested individuals commenting on your business posts are potential customers.

You never know; life-long customers might be waiting for you in the comments section!

Since dedicating resources to replying to social media comments can be costly, this mundane task is often assigned to interns and lower-level staff, which is not the best case. 

With the help of AI automation, you can now say goodbye to delayed replies, bad online rapport, and a potential loss of business. You can now use Make.com automation to draft automated replies to comments with a specific word.

This tutorial explains the exact steps to automate Facebook comment replies and build a strong customer support base. It shows you how to use specific words in the comments as triggers that can be used to post a particular reply. 

After going through this tutorial, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify the Facebook page posts and set automation steps
  • Draft automated replies for comments using trigger words
  • Run the scenario and tweak your replies

Let’s get started with it. 

Step 1 - Identify the Facebook page posts and set automation steps

Open Make.com and click a new scenario in the left navigation bar. 

Click ‘Create a new scenario’ to start from scratch. 

Click the big ‘+’ sign. Select/search the Facebook comments module. Select ‘Watch Comments.’

Log in to your Facebook account to establish a connection between Make.com and Facebook. Select the Facebook page you want to automate and select a post ID for which you wish to set the automation. Specify the comments limit to 10. Click OK. 

Important to know: Create a Facebook connection and select the page you want to use for this automation. It will create a reply to the comment. If you don't select the page as the page owner, it will create a new comment instead of replying to a specific one.

You can direct the make module to watch comments ‘from now on’ or select a specific comment to post replies. For our scenario, we will choose ‘From now on.’ Click OK.

This module is watching the post comments, which are the basis of this automation. All the pre-written replies will be posted under the comments for the post ID you specified. 

Good to know: You can set up automation for multiple post IDs in the same scenario. 

A Facebook post garners varied comments. No two comments are the same. Therefore, it's logical to automate replies for different categories. There can be replies for comments asking for a price or replies asking for more information. We need to split the replies into three main categories. One will be for those inquiring about the product's pricing, another for those asking for more information, and the third for miscellaneous comments. 

To split the replies, add a router to the Facebook module to identify the comments through trigger words and post a particular reply. 

Click the ‘+’ sign next to the Facebook module and select/search router. Click OK. 

The router module has two splits. To create a third split, click the ‘+’ sign at the center of the router module. 

Step 2 - Connect ChatGPT to generate replies automatically

Before we create filters and connect the Facebook pages for automated replies, we need to connect ChatGPT to generate the replies automatically instead of writing them ourselves. 

Click the ‘+’ sign and select/search the OpenAI module. Then, select the ‘Create a completion prompt’ module. 

Add all three ChatGPT modules, but do not populate them. Let’s first create filters for all the comment types. It should look like this:

Set the filters for trigger words.

We need to set up a filter for each Facebook comments module, allowing make.com to filter the comments and post the appropriate reply based on the trigger words. 

Click the wrench icon for the first module and set up a filter. 

Write a label for the filter. We used ‘prices’ because this reply will be sent to comments that ask for prices. Select ‘message’ for the condition rule. 

Select the ‘contains (case insensitive)’ rule for the equal to text operator. Specify the words that can be filtered in a comment for the specific reply you will create in the Facebook pages module. Click OK.

If you want to add more text operators, click the ‘Add OR rule,’ specify the condition, select the text operator: contains (case insensitive), and identify the other word that triggers this automation path. Click OK.

Repeat the same process for all the modules. For the second module, set up the filter for information-related trigger words. Label the filter, set the condition to message, select the ‘contains (case insensitive)’ text operator, and specify the common words in the comments asking for more information. 

For the last module, only set up the filter label. Label it ‘everything else.’ Follow the previous steps to set up the Facebook module.


After setting up all the filters, let’s configure ChatGPT modules for all three comment categories.

In the first module, select the OpenAI connection for ChatGPT. You need an OpenAI platform with $10 for the APIs. It’s not the same as your paid ChatGPT account. That’s the only $10 you need to pay to automate all the replies to Facebook page comments.

Next, select the ChatGPT model for your automation. We always use GPT-4o-mini (system) because it’s fast and cheap. It doesn’t need more tokens to execute a query. Select ‘Add message’ to initiate a GPT chat completion query. Choose the ‘Assistant’ role and type a prompt for chatGPT to automate replies to a comment with the ‘price’ filter.  Specify 800 tokens for this instance. Click OK once you are done configuring this module. 


Write a reply to {{1.message}} using the following information:

Foundation Brush: $10
Lip Brush: $13.39
Highlighter Brush: $17

The second ChatGPT module with the ‘more info’ filter has the same configuration, except for the prompt. Use the following prompt for this comment path.


Write a reply to {{1.message}} using the following information:
High-quality products, including makeup brushes, skincare essentials, and bras. 

The third and the last comment instance use the following prompt with the same ChatGPT configuration.


Write a reply to {{1.message}} using the following information:
LondonBloom will contact them asap. 

Let’s move on to the Facebook Pages module. To make this automation work, we must connect it to the ChatGPT module. 

Step 3 - Draft automated replies for comments using trigger words

Now that you have set up the ChatGPT modules and filters for the comment categories click the ‘+’ sign next to the ChatGPT module and select/search Facebook pages. Under the Facebook pages module, select ‘New Comments.’ 

Configure the Facebook pages module for which you set up the filter. Specify the Facebook page and the post ID. 

Select the ‘Results’ parameter in the ChatGPT output for the message and click OK. 

That’s the first Facebook comments module. Do the same with the remaining two modules. 

Set up the Facebook pages module connected to the second ChatGPT instance. Choose the Facebook page and the post ID, then select the ‘Result’ parameter from the ChatGPT output for the message submodule. 

This is how it should look after setting up all the modules.

Good to know: You can add as many Facebook page modules to the router as possible. Set up filters and specify the messages. Tweak the settings and test. 

Once you’ve completed all the modules, you can run a test to see the automated replies posted under the specific comments. 

Step 4 - Run the scenario and tweak your replies

Click ‘Run Once’ and watch for the replies to comments coming in. 

The scenario will post replies to the comments based on the filters you configured. Click on the search icon at the top of the Facebook module to view the replies posted to the comments. 

You can do these steps with other posts and comment types. Remember to tweak your messages according to the type of comments posted. 

That’s it, folks. Remember to test each step and tweak the settings for optimum results. 

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