How to Write a Letter of Continued Interest: A Complete Guide

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Have you ever found yourself on a college or job waitlist, feeling unsure of how to boost your chances of acceptance? Writing a compelling letter of continued interest could be your golden ticket. This strategic move not only shows your enthusiasm but also keeps you on the radar as an eager candidate.

Understanding the Purpose of a Letter of Continued Interest

A Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI) serves as a proactive communication tool, enabling you to express your ongoing enthusiasm for an institution or position. This letter plays a crucial role in influencing the decision-making process when you are placed on a waitlist.

Why It's Important in College Admissions

Boosts Your Visibility: Sending a LOCI helps maintain your presence in the admissions office’s consciousness. Given that many candidates might be vying for limited spots, distinguishing yourself is essential. A well-crafted letter reiterates your interest and demonstrates that you remain committed to your educational goals at their institution.

Reaffirms Your Intentions: Beyond showing sustained interest, this letter provides an opportunity to update the admissions committee on any new achievements or accolades since your initial application, such as awards, improved test scores, or recent extracurricular successes. These updates can strengthen your profile and increase your chances of moving off the waitlist.

When to Send This Type of Letter

Timing Is Key: The optimal time to send a LOCI is shortly after receiving notification that you have been waitlisted but before the final admission decisions are made. Typically, this corresponds with one month after notifications go out but varies by institution.

Follow Up Strategically: If additional rounds of considerations happen (often during spring for college admissions), sending another follow-up message could be beneficial if significant updates or changes in your situation occur. Always ensure each communication adds value and relevance to your candidacy; repetitive messages without substantial content may diminish its impact rather than enhance it.

Preparing to Write Your Letter

Before you start drafting your Letter of Continued Interest, a few preparatory steps are crucial. These ensure that the content of your letter is both relevant and compelling.

Gather Necessary Information

To draft an effective Letter of Continued Interest, collect all necessary details about your initial application. Include specifics such as the program or position you applied for, any correspondence or contacts made with the institution or company, and key points previously highlighted in your application. Gathering this data ensures your letter aligns closely with your original application while also addressing any updates effectively.

Review Recent Developments or Achievements

Update on recent developments that enhance your candidacy since submitting your original application. Mention new achievements, experiences, awards, or improved skills relevant to the opportunity you're waiting on.

  1. You maintain relevancy by linking back to earlier applications
  2. You demonstrate continued interest and dedication through updated accomplishments

Structuring Your Letter of Continued Interest

Crafting a strategic structure for your Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI) enhances readability and conveys your points effectively. Structure acts as the skeleton, guiding the flow from beginning to end.

Opening Your Letter

Begin with a polite greeting followed by a concise introductory paragraph. Address the letter to a specific person if possible; use "Dear [Admission Officer's Name]" or "Dear Hiring Manager" when you do not know the name. In this section, mention your full name, the position or program you applied for, and state explicitly that you are writing to express your continued interest in it. It’s crucial to reference your initial application and briefly cite being placed on the waiting list.

Discussing Your Accomplishments and Updates

In this part of your LOCI, highlight significant achievements or developments since submitting your original application. Include new skills acquired, recent awards, improved grades, or additional work responsibilities undertaken. Ensure these updates align with what is likely valued by the college or employer—this demonstrates active growth and increased suitability for the opportunity.

Reaffirming Your Interest

Reiterate why you remain passionate about gaining admission or securing this job position. Connect past experiences shared during previous interactions or mentioned in your initial application with why they make this opportunity an excellent fit for both parties involved. Provide insights into how further engaging with their community or contributing at their workplace remains appealing to you.

Concluding Your Letter

End on a positive note by summarizing key points mentioned earlier while expressing gratitude for reconsideration of your candidacy. Thank them for reviewing your updated information and restate enthusiasm toward potentially joining them soon. Ideally, close formally using “Sincerely,” followed by your full name.

Writing Tips for Effective Letters

Crafting an effective Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI) requires attention to detail and strategic expression. Following these guidelines ensures your letter stands out positively.

Tone and Formality

Maintain a Professional Yet Personable Tone in your LOCI to reflect both respect and genuine interest. Start with a respectful salutation, such as "Dear [Admission Officer's Name]," which personalizes the message while keeping it professional. The body of the letter should balance formal language with a touch of personal flair that reflects your enthusiasm without becoming too casual. This approach makes the reader feel valued and keeps the tone appropriate for academic or professional contexts.

Length and Clarity

Keep Your LOCI Concise and Focused; aim for one page or less. A concise letter not only respects the recipient’s time but also demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively without unnecessary detail. Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence, followed by supporting sentences that reinforce your main point. Ensure every word adds value – avoid filler content that could detrack from the central messages about your achievements and desire to be part of the institution or company.

Emphasizing Fit and Commitment

Highlight Your Unique Fit for The Opportunity by directly linking your recent experiences and skills back to what is sought by the college or employer. Explicitly state how these new qualifications make you an even more valuable candidate since being waitlisted. Reaffirming commitment involves clearly expressing continued interest in joining their community, backed by specific reasons why you remain enthusiastic about the opportunity, such as unique programs, faculty expertise, or alignment with career goals if applying for jobs.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When crafting a Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI), certain pitfalls can undermine your efforts. Steering clear of these common errors enhances the impact of your letter.

Repeating Information From Your Application

Avoid reiterating details already present in your initial application. Focus instead on providing new insights or updates that enhance your candidacy. For instance, if you previously mentioned leading a project team in your application, do not repeat this fact; rather, discuss any recent developments or successes related to that experience.

Overexaggerating Your Interest or Achievements

Maintain honesty and authenticity in expressing your interest and achievements. Exaggeration may come across as insincerity, potentially jeopardizing your credibility. If you claim an achievement, ensure it is verifiable and relevant to the opportunity at hand, such as stating a measurable improvement in skills directly applicable to the desired position or course.

Sample Letter of Continued Interest

Crafting a compelling Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI) greatly enhances your chances of moving from the waitlist to acceptance. Below is a step-by-step breakdown and a sample LOCI to guide you through this crucial communication.

Understand the Purpose

Recognize that the primary goal of your LOCI is to express your strong, continued interest in the opportunity while updating the institution or employer on any new achievements or milestones since your initial application. This letter acts as a proactive approach to keep your candidacy alive.

Address It Correctly

Start by addressing the letter directly to the person who signed your waitlist notification, if possible. Use their correct title and name. If this information isn't available, opt for a general but respectful salutation, such as "Dear Admissions Committee" for academic applications or "Dear Hiring Team" for job opportunities.

Begin with Thankfulness

Express gratitude for being considered and restate your enthusiasm about joining their college or company. Mention specifics about why you remain interested; details could include unique programs, specific faculty members, corporate culture, or growth opportunities that align with your career goals.

Update Your Achievements

Include one paragraph detailing significant updates since submitting your original application. These might encompass recent awards, newly acquired skills, relevant experiences like internships or projects (for students), promotions or responsibilities taken on at work (for job seekers).

Reaffirm Commitment

Assertively confirm that if selected off the waitlist, you would definitely accept the offer. Make it clear without sounding desperate that this opportunity remains your top choice above all others.

Conclusion with Courtesy

Conclude by thanking them once again for considering your continued interest and stating hopeful anticipation regarding a positive response from them soon. Include contact information should they need further details from you.

Sample Letter:

Subject: Continued Interest in [Program/Position] at [Institution/Company]

Dear [Admission Officer's/Hiring Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well! I am writing to reaffirm my enthusiastic interest in joining [Institution/Company] as part of [specific program/team]. Since receiving my waitlist notification last month/year/date], I have engaged in several advanced projects and initiatives relevant to [program/job role], including [specific example].

Having spoken with numerous alumni/current employees and participating in community events has only deepened my desire to become an active member within such an innovative environment like yours.

Should I be granted admission/an offer from [Institution/Company], please know it stands unequivocally as my first choice; accepting it would be both an honor and a definitive step towards achieving my career aspirations.


[Your Contact Information]

Following these guidelines ensures clarity in expressing genuine interest while providing substantive updates that enhance credibility and reinforce commitment.

Editing and Proofreading

After drafting your Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI), the next crucial step involves meticulous editing and proofreading. This ensures your letter is not only free of errors but also polished to convey professionalism.

Reviewing for Grammar and Spelling

Begin by checking each sentence for grammatical accuracy. Tools like Grammarly or Microsoft Word’s spell check can help automate this process, but manual review is indispensable. Focus on common mistakes such as subject-verb agreement, misuse of apostrophes (its vs. it's), and commonly confused words (affect vs. effect).

Ensure consistency in tense throughout your letter; if you start describing past achievements in the past tense, maintain that choice unless a shift in context requires otherwise.

Capitalize proper nouns, particularly names of people, institutions, and specific programs. Remember to verify the spelling of these entities to avoid potentially embarrassing errors.

Getting Feedback from Others

Once you have refined your LOCI for grammar and spelling issues, seek feedback from trusted sources who can provide an objective assessment. Choose individuals familiar with professional writing or knowledgeable about the college admissions or job application processes.

Ask them to evaluate clarity: Is your purpose clear? Do your achievements relate directly back to why you remain interested in the opportunity? Request feedback on tone: Does it strike a balance between professional courtesy and personal enthusiasm?

Collect different perspectives to ensure a well-rounded evaluation before sending out your final draft. Their insights might reveal areas where misunderstandings could occur or suggest improvements that enhance readability and impact.

Writing a Compelling Letter of Continued Interest with ChatGPT

Crafting an effective Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI) is essential for enhancing your chances of acceptance from a waitlist. ChatGPT can guide you through this process, ensuring your letter is both compelling and professional.


Help me write a Letter of Continued Interest to [college or job position] after being placed on the waitlist. I want to express my continued enthusiasm, provide updates on my recent achievements, and reaffirm my commitment to [college or company]. Here are the specific details I want to include: [list recent achievements, experiences, or any other relevant information]. Additionally, please advise on the proper tone and length for the letter.

Using this prompt, ChatGPT will assist you in drafting a personalized and impactful LOCI that highlights your qualifications and dedication, thereby improving your chances of moving off the waitlist and securing your desired opportunity.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Following the guidelines for crafting a compelling Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI), you may encounter some common issues that can hinder your success. Addressing these problems promptly ensures your LOCI maintains its effectiveness.

Addressing Delays in Response

If you experience delays in getting a response to your LOCI, take proactive steps to manage the situation effectively:

Handling Multiple Letters of Interest

When managing multiple letters of interest:

By addressing these common issues effectively, you enhance the impact of your Letters of Continued Interest across various applications.


Crafting a persuasive Letter of Continued Interest is your key to standing out in the crowded field of waitlisted candidates. By following the strategic advice outlined—from timing your letter perfectly to addressing any communication hurdles—you're setting yourself up for success. Remember updating your achievements and maintaining a polished presentation are crucial. With these insights you'll enhance not only your LOCI but also your chances of turning that waiting list status into an acceptance. Let this opportunity reflect your determination and capability as you navigate through the process with confidence and precision.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI)?

A Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI) is a communication sent by candidates to express their ongoing interest and enthusiasm after being placed on a waitlist for college or job opportunities. It serves as an opportunity to update the institution or company on recent achievements and reinforce one's dedication to becoming part of their community.

When should I send my LOCI?

It's best to send your LOCI shortly after receiving notification that you've been waitlisted, ideally before the final decisions are made. This timing shows proactive engagement and keeps your application fresh in the decision-makers' minds.

How can I make my LOCI stand out?

To make your LOCI stand out, personalize it by referencing past interactions with the institution or company and clearly expressing how you align with their values and goals. Including updates on new achievements, experiences, or skills relevant to the opportunity will also strengthen your letter.

What if I don’t receive any response after sending my LOCI?

If you do not receive a response after sending your LOCAI, consider following up with a polite email to inquire about the status of your application. Ensure that there were no issues in email delivery and consider using other communication methods if necessary.

How many LOCIs should I send if waitlisted at multiple institutions?

Send a tailored LOCI to each institution where you remain interested. Each letter should be unique and specifically address why you are particularly suited for that program or position while reflecting any new developments since your initial application.

What are some common issues when sending LOCIs and how can I address them?

Common issues include delayed responses or no response from recipients. Address these by ensuring correct email addresses, considering follow-up messages if appropriate, utilizing different communication channels if needed, organizing all communications efficiently, prioritizing timely responses based on deadlines, and maintaining consistency across multiple letters.

Why is proofreading important for my LOCI?

Proofreading is crucial because it ensures that your letter is free from errors which enhances its professionalism. A well-edited LOCAI reflects attention to detail and respect for the reader which can positively impact how your continued interest is perceived.

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