Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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New robot controlled by human brain cells

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Good morning! This is your daily ☕️ Techpresso.

In today's Techpresso:

🤖 New robot controlled by human brain cells

🇨🇳 China plans to compete with Neuralink

🎨 Figma to temporarily disable AI feature amid plagiarism concerns

⚖️ Nvidia faces first antitrust charges

📹 YouTube cracks down on AI deepfakes

📉 Tesla deliveries decreased for the second quarter in a row

🎁 + 6 other news you might like

🔮 + 5 handpicked research papers and tools

🤖 New robot controlled by human brain cellsLINK

  • Scientists in China have developed a robot with an artificial brain grown from human stem cells, which can perform basic tasks such as moving limbs, avoiding obstacles, and grasping objects, showcasing some intelligence functions of a biological brain.
  • The brain-on-chip utilizes a brain-computer interface to facilitate communication with the external environment through encoding, decoding, and stimulation-feedback mechanisms.
  • This pioneering brain-on-chip technology, requiring similar conditions to sustain as a human brain, is expected to have a revolutionary impact by advancing the field of hybrid intelligence, merging biological and artificial systems.
  • 🇨🇳 China plans to compete with NeuralinkLINK

  • China is forming a committee to create standards for brain-computer interfaces, indicating its intention to advance this emerging technology.
  • This move shows China's aim to expand beyond academic research and compete with western firms like Elon Musk’s Neuralink.
  • The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology plans to involve experts from various sectors to draft guidelines on brain information processing and data communication.
  • 🎨 Figma to temporarily disable AI feature amid plagiarism concernsLINK

  • Figma has temporarily disabled its "Make Design" AI feature after accusations that it was replicating Apple's Weather app designs.
  • Andy Allen, founder of NotBoring Software, discovered that the feature consistently reproduced the layout of Apple's Weather app, leading to community concerns.
  • CEO Dylan Field acknowledged the issue and stated the feature would be disabled until they can ensure its reliability and originality through comprehensive quality assurance checks.
  • ⚖️ Nvidia faces first antitrust chargesLINK

  • French antitrust enforcers plan to charge Nvidia with alleged anticompetitive practices, becoming the first to take such action, according to Reuters.
  • Nvidia's offices in France were raided last year as part of an investigation into possible abuses of dominance in the graphics cards sector.
  • Regulatory bodies in the US, EU, China, and the UK are also examining Nvidia's business practices due to its significant presence in the AI chip market.
  • 📹 YouTube cracks down on AI deepfakesLINK

  • YouTube now permits users to request the takedown of AI-generated content that mimics their appearance or voice, treating it as a privacy violation.
  • This new feature operates under YouTube's privacy request process, with considerations for whether the content is synthetic, uniquely identifying, or holds value as parody or satire.
  • Upon such a request, YouTube gives the content uploader 48 hours to address the complaint, and labeling as AI-generated does not guarantee the content remains.
  • 📉 Tesla deliveries decreased for the second quarter in a rowLINK

  • Tesla reported a 4.76 percent drop in vehicle deliveries for Q2 2024, with a total of 443,956 units delivered compared to 466,140 in the same quarter of the previous year.
  • Production also saw a decrease, with 410,831 vehicles produced over the three months ending in June, marking a 14 percent decline from Q2 2023.
  • The primary reasons for these drops include competition from other automakers, supply chain issues, and shifts in market demand, though Tesla's sales remain dominated by its Model 3 and Model Y.
  • Other news you might like

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    Anthropic looks to fund a new, more comprehensive generation of AI benchmarks.LINK

    Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is now richer than Bill Gates.LINK

    Thousands of servers could be at risk due to major OpenSSH security flaw.LINK

    Latest research and tools

    diff-pdf: a tool that visually compares two PDF files to highlight differences, offering options for side-by-side GUI comparison and generating a report with highlighted discrepancies.LINK

    Understanding Turing's Proof: Turing proved that the halting problem, which questions whether a computer program will eventually stop or run indefinitely, is undecidable, meaning it cannot be determined in general for all possible program-input pairs.LINK

    PassManagerWeb: a password manager written in Django that uses AES 256 encryption, multi-factor authentication, and password health monitoring to securely store and manage passwords, with added features like automatic logout and Cloudflare CAPTCHA verification for enhanced security.LINK

    MoonshotAI unveils Kimi's large-scale LLM serving architecture: the paper introduces a cutting-edge architecture designed to efficiently serve large language models to users.LINK

    Large language models have developed a higher-order theory of mind: the study shows that these models can understand and predict human beliefs and intentions with complex reasoning.LINK

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